Background Checks for Investors

A background check’s scope and cost should reflect the relative size of the deal. We focus on identifying key risk factors for each individual investment, and then run targeted searches of courthouse records, regulatory filings, social media and press reports to locate adverse or risk-relevant information. We can also verify employment and educational backgrounds, run credit reports and make blind reference calls.

Tier 1:  Preliminary Screening


Our preliminary searches look for red flags and low-hanging fruit. We search local criminal and civil court records, conduct social media and press searches for adverse information, and review licensing and regulatory sources.

Tier 2:  Enhanced Background Searches


Our enhanced background checks go deep into the target's history to develop a profile of their life and business interests -- and to make sure they are worthy of your fiduciary trust. In addition to our usual press searches, we search multiple jurisdictions for criminal records and civil lawsuits, locate tax liens and other indications of financial stress, and track down undisclosed corporate affiliations that might be contrary to your interests.

Tier 3:  Enhanced with Reference Checks


The most honest references come from people the counterparty hasn't provided. We supplement our enhanced background checks by identifying former employers, colleagues, business partners and relevant industry analysts and journalists who can give an honest assessment.